
Twitter: @Ananyabha

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Google Scholar: Ananya Bhattacharjee


I am Ananya Bhattacharjee, a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at the University of Toronto. I consider myself a Human-Computer Interaction Researcher. My works focus on developing and understanding the role of technology in helping people manage their psychological well-being. I have developed several text messaging services, mobile applications, and websites to help people reduce their stress, reflect on negative emotions, and self-monitor moods. Collaborating with Mental Health America, I have closely worked with vulnerable populations to understand their needs and expectations from digital mental health platforms, eventually allowing us to develop an AI-powered chat tool.

Additionally, I have conducted field studies in Bangladesh to understand how much of the existing support behavior techniques align with local people's customs and values. Working closely with a major crisis helpline in Bangladesh (Kaan Pete Roi), I have interacted with helpline volunteers and critically evaluated the befriending model, one of the most common approaches followed by helplines around the world. Through my work, I aim to shift the research direction in mental health interventions from ‘individual’ to ‘social.’ 

My advisor is Dr Joseph Jay Williams. My PhD committee members also include Dr Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed, Dr Alex Mariakakis, Dr Rachel Kornfield, and Dr Mary Czerwinski.

I have been honored with several fellowships and scholarships, including the Inlight Research Fellowship and the Wolfond Scholarship in Wireless Information Technology, among others. Additionally, I have contributed to writing several grant proposals, the most notable of which includes a grant from the Office of Naval Research. 

My research works have been published in top venues like CHI, CSCW, TOCHI, HCOMP, and JMIR. My works have received Best Paper and Best Paper Honorable Mention awards in CHI.

I have accepted an internship offer from the Human Understanding and Empathy (HUE) group at Microsoft. I will spend Summer 2024 in Redmond. 

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